A downloadable game for Windows

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Our entry for the #Redefine2021 GameJam. The theme was "Future Tech".

It's about a boy who visits an old abandoned factory called "Future Tech" that was inventing new technologies like teleportation or exoskeletons, but was  closed after an accident.

The boy's grandfather worked there and went missing after the accident. Now, years later, the boy has received a message that tells him to come looking for something, so he enters the factory through the cellar.


Dev Log

You can read about the whole development in my development blog.

Team & Contributions

For the gamejam, we created these fantastic things:



Coding: 2D physics based player controller, room traversal, terminal puzzle game, interactables, menu (and general text) system, particle system for the teleportation (based on the one I did for Spaß Taxi).

Artwork:   Teleporter, laser barriers, terminal puzzle visuals, pickups, logo

Puzzle:  Puzzle layout of the rooms, laser terminal puzzle



Artwork: Character sprites and animation, walls and backgrounds.

Story: Texts for the research entries and letters



The game has been developed in Unity 2019.3.4f1 using  included packages like ECS.


Third party assets:

What we could not do in the limited time:

InControl - Controller support

Universal Sound FX  (sfx,  atmos)

Gamemaster Audio  (sfx,  atmos)

"Darktrap"  Soundtrack Loops  (music)

Font  by  Eeve  Somepx



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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Buried Future - Win64 32 MB

Development log


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(1 edit)

Mac Version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i8crcez7s0qbhqd/BuriedFuture_mac.zip?dl=0

I am putting this here as to not update the downloads after the gamejam ended. This is the same version as the windows one with the addition of one video setting to reduce input lag.

Apparently CTRL+Left/Right does something weird on the Mac, so you need to push stuff using CTRL+A/D instead. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.